Dr. Joerg Schmitz Wollastonite als Füllstoffe der Wahl für kennzeichnungsfreie Wandfarben mit sehr niedrigem Biozid Gehalt
Wollastonites in Wall Paints:Summary Replacement of typical Fillers like CaCO3byWollastonitesE7632 in waterborne emulsion paints: •leads to significantly improved microbial stability even at a formulation pH of around 9 •Makes it possible to reduce biocide level below labelling threshold •Enables a formulation without the need of additional neutralizing agent Efficient microbial stability is only achieved if •asignificant amount of Wollastonite (20%) is used •Specially engineered grades like WollastoniteE 7632 are used Additionally the use of Wollastonites improves paint quality (wetsrub, opacity etc.